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Chessmetrics Player Profile: Victor Exner
   Born:    -
   Best World Rank:    #24 (on the December 1900 rating list)
   Highest Rating:    2604 on the February 1895 rating list, #26 in world
   Best Individual Performance:    2563 in Exner-Maróczy Match (Budapest), 1899, scoring 1.5/6 (25%) vs 2714-rated opposition

  (no graph available)   Best Performances   Career Details   Event Details   Ratings only
    Event Name  Rating   Performance   Overall Results   Actual Results vs Rated Opponents   +/- Predicted 
    Albin-Exner Match (Budapest), 1892  not rated on January 1892 list   2452   = (4.5/9, 50%)   = (4.5/9, 50%) vs 2434-rated opposition   N/A 
    Pressburg, 1894  2535 (#46 on January 1894 list  [2607]   -1 (1.5/4, 38%)   +1 (1.5/2, 75%) vs 2625-rated opposition   +0.7 
    Charousek-Exner Match (Budapest), 1896  not rated on January 1896 list   -   -3 (3.5/10, 35%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Budapest, 1898  2571 (#37 on January 1898 list  2538   -3 (4.5/12, 38%)   -5 (1.5/8, 19%) vs 2721-rated opposition   -1.1 
    Cologne, 1898  2538 (#43 on August 1898 list  [2396]   +3 (10.5/18, 58%)   +1 (1/1, 100%) vs 2300-rated opposition   +0.2 

    Budapest, 1899  2554 (#40 on January 1899 list  [2579]   = (1.5/3, 50%)   = (1.5/3, 50%) vs 2636-rated opposition   +0.3 
    Exner-Maróczy Match (Budapest), 1899  2554 (#40 on January 1899 list  2563   -3 (1.5/6, 25%)   -3 (1.5/6, 25%) vs 2714-rated opposition   -0.4 
    Munich, 1900  2560 (#33 on July 1900 list  -   +9 (15/21, 71%)   no games vs rated opposition   N/A 
    Haarlem, 1901  2584 (#25 on July 1901 list  [2394]   +1 (5/9, 56%)   -1 (0/1, 0%) vs 2467-rated opposition   -0.6